In 2011, Václav Matoušek discovered during his doctoral studies in the group of Prof. Dr. Antonio Togni at ETH Zurich a new, structurally rich family of hypervalent iodine compounds - the second generation Togni reagents. He devoted the rest of his doctoral studies to their study and afterwards decided to embark on their commercialisation.
"During my PhD studies, I witnessed the rapidly growing popularity of Togni reagents in life sciences in the synthesis of new trifluoromethylated compounds. With the discovery of a new generation of reagents that combine the reactivity of the first-generation with the virtually unlimited scope of fluoroalkyls of second-generation reagents, I have decided to patent these unique agents with ETHZ and after completing the dissertation, to fully devote to their commercialization in an own startup company.
In 2014, Václav Matoušek founded CF Plus Chemicals. The company was established as a spinoff of ETH Zürich and initially was located in the biotechnological incubator INBIT of the South Moravian Innovation Center. The startup has been successfully involved in the development programs of the South Moravian Innovation Center.
In 2018, CF Plus Chemicals achieved an important milestone by forming a close collaboration with biotechnological company BioVendor, an established leader in field of diagnostics and custom antibody design. In response to this strategical collaboration between the two companies, CF Plus Chemicals expanded its team and moved to state-of-the art laboratory facilities in the company BioVendor - Laboratory Medicine industrial campus in Brno-Řečkovice.
„High purity chemicals, state of the art reagents and highly trusted vendor."
Dr. Petr Jansa, Research Scientist II, Medicinal Chemistry, Gilead Sciences Inc, CA USA
„My research group has been collaborating with CF Plus Chemicals since 2015. We valued their quick and reliable deliveries of halogenated and fluorinated specialities for our studies."
Prof. RNDr. Zbyněk Prokop, Ph.D., Loschmidt Laboratories, Masaryk Univesity Brno
„We appreciated quick and reliable delivery of protein crosslinkers tailored to our research needs in MS-proteomics."
Dr. Karl Mechtler, Head of Protein Chemistry Facility at Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), Vienna